Tyler Carden Blog

Been a long long time!

Graduate this month with 2 majors and a minor. None of them in acting. Haven't stopped. My IMDb page tells that story.

Just locking down the real world. Gotta have that day job... yadda yadda.

Posted at: 05/04/2021 00:46

Been Awhile- Been Busy

Had the fantastic opportunity to work with a ton of great writers, directors and actors this past summer.

Started out by working with Cathy Reinking on a project she wrote and Jim McKinney direct...

Posted at: 12/02/2017 13:47

Classes Done Let's Get to Work!

Have car will travel! If compensated!

Posted at: 05/06/2017 06:21

Mom's been busy

Finishing up Spring Semester and looking toward Summer and work.

Mom has been busy fielding casting requests because I really just wanted to concentrate on classes.

She has also been busy on h...

Posted at: 04/13/2017 08:25

Happy Valentines Day

Sending out hearts and flowers to all of you out there that have been supporting me.

Finished up a semester and well into another one. Told my folks I was changing my major, they did not seem sur...

Posted at: 02/08/2017 18:35

Been A Busy Summer and Just Survived My First Week at My New University

Did some work on a few shows this past few months. Been talking to a couple agents. Decided to just take it as it comes and knock out my college. Working toward a medical degree. Going to take a few...

Posted at: 08/19/2016 20:53

Just for Fun

So someone told me to google Marvel Tyler Carden and see what came up. I did. You should try it.

Posted at: 03/13/2016 18:47

Miss Me?

Been a little busy and not complaining. Keep it coming!

Posted at: 10/28/2015 11:07

So far so good

This week: a hair cut, first day of classes down, sent in 2 auditions, working on set Friday and a fridge full of food.  

Posted at: 09/02/2015 16:53

What Was I Thinking

I'm too busy to hold a 9 to 5 ... 

Posted at: 08/25/2015 19:30

My Next Few Months

Since, I am borrowing my dad's car because, strangely, the $300 one gave out. (Yes, sarcasm) I have decided to get a job, work only  the already set recurring walk-on stuff and the 2 featured mo...

Posted at: 08/21/2015 15:13

Can't Believe

another birthday.  This past year just whizzed by.  Bring on the next one! More work, more events, more everything...

Posted at: 08/01/2015 16:11


So, I went up to VA last week to tie up loose ends, do some work and attend a friend's concert.  First night I am there, I  get run off the road by a tourist who panicked about a turn. Car to...

Posted at: 07/11/2015 09:14

Music Video Fun and Fantastic people needed on Saturday

Sasha Fire Gypsy  this may be for you!   A music video.  If you are interested check out their website.   Catrett Locke Casting

Posted at: 07/09/2015 18:41

Tags: Sasha Fire Gypsy

Bring It

Getting great gas money jobs, now, I need the rent paid! Bring it on!

Posted at: 06/29/2015 13:07


Best and tenderest ribs I have ever had... #catering #whodacook #getmesomemore

Posted at: 06/18/2015 13:19

Man, it's Hot-lanta

Been here a few days and no AC! That's okay, I have already booked 2 jobs and working on about 6 more. 

Posted at: 06/15/2015 20:20

North meets South on Mercy Street

Been working with the cast and crew of new BBC/PBS series called Mercy Street.  Can't wait to see the whole story!   

Posted at: 06/04/2015 07:34

this is what I'm talking about!

Final Exam today.

Fitting for shoot next week.

Heading to Georgia for 4 days.

2 Day shoot next week in VA.



Posted at: 05/06/2015 07:48

Getting Closer!

One more week of classes. 

While I have been focusing on classes my folks have been packing and planning for the move. 

My Mom is a power house! She finds a place she likes, buys it, ...

Posted at: 05/03/2015 08:04