Tyler Carden Blog

Below Freezing, Shirtless and Monkey Clawed

Need I say more?

Posted at: 01/10/2015 15:37


Okay, why do they film summer scenes in January?  Really looking forward to tomorrow's shoot!  Ah, the pain we go through for our art!


Posted at: 01/08/2015 14:28

Send out a Thought or Prayer

Please send out a prayer or a comforting thought to a young lady that has appointed herself as my biggest fan. She lost her mother on New Years. She is having a really hard time right now. Let's sh...

Posted at: 01/04/2015 15:55

LOL it's the little things that are IMPORTANT!

like spelling Important  correctly!  Improtant?  I need an editor!   

Posted at: 12/28/2014 07:58

Busy is Good, Better when they miss you

Between college term finals, working out, taking career improvement classes and  working on cars I've been too busy to work!  Managment wanted know if I'd quit.  Nah, just getting ready fo...

Posted at: 12/18/2014 19:47

little things in life that are improtant

So, I had a dream last night that a guy broke into the house and stole my hair gel. Had to chase him down and go action movie on him!  

Hope all my American friends had a great Thanksgiving.

Posted at: 11/28/2014 09:41

Check out...

Since photos are limited on this sight, feel free to go to my FB page or my website to see what I have been up to.  You might even see others you recognize.



Posted at: 11/18/2014 18:17

Coming up

The next two weeks will be devoted to my car and my abs, probably in that order.

Posted at: 11/18/2014 11:40

Weapons,Stunts and Combat... Cool

Spending the weekend in on set Combat training class.  

Posted at: 11/15/2014 07:07

Saddle Sore

Spent the weekend on a horse. Learning how much I still don't know!  

Posted at: 11/10/2014 15:38

And another one down

Just finish shooting another TV show.  The world of Cable TV is a strange place.  Interesting note, this was my first "topless" shoot, was in a bathingsuit. Yeah, 50 degrees and doing a beach...

Posted at: 11/05/2014 19:11

November will be Training Time

I have some work going on in November but really going to focus on training.  Improving my equestrian skills, film combat skills, along with -"nunchuck skills... bowhunting skills...computer hac...

Posted at: 10/28/2014 10:32

A Little Help for My Friends

Spent yesterday helping a friend of mine film a music video. I did some of  the camera work, just for fun, and to see what it's like from the other side.  I will keep you posted on the final ...

Posted at: 10/26/2014 08:40


Busy! Busy! Busy!  And loving it!

Posted at: 10/18/2014 08:10

This Week Looking Busy

Goin to my agents tomorrow to tape an audition for a film. Tuesday and Thursday are shoot days. Classes Mon, Wed, Fri and Saturday. 

Posted at: 10/05/2014 15:01

Renewed appreciation for the Film industry

Okay, plain and simple, people in film are nuts! Who else would get up at 4 am stand around in heat and glaring sun dressed in heavy clothes and come home at 1230 am the next day and think it norma...

Posted at: 09/27/2014 07:52

Winter Season Looking Good!

Feb. and March are going to be big months for me. 3 Movies, 1 Public service video, TV pilot, and 2 ID Series, so far.

Posted at: 09/19/2014 15:40

Winter Season Looking Good!

Feb. and March are going to be big months for me. 3 Movies, 1 Public service video, TV pilot, and 2 ID Series, so far.

Posted at: 09/19/2014 15:40

I am in today's Navy AND Yesteryear's West Point!

Yup, I got spots in both things I auditioned for!  Filming both next week.  Life is great! 

Posted at: 09/18/2014 17:48

Heading to Richmond this week

Major audition on Thursday.  Hope my throat holds out been sore past few days. 

Posted at: 09/09/2014 13:44