Lacuna is a dark drama loosely based on real events. This filmâs main character embarks on a journey in a small town in southern Virginia in 1969. It begins with the sweetness of very young innocence and takes her into the bowels of evil and darkness. A series of heart breaking events cruelly rob her of her very soul, one agonizing piece at a time. She is painfully aware of what is happening but is helpless to stop it from destroying her.
There is only one thing that can save her soul but it is buried so deeply inside her that even the whitest of lights cannot illuminate it for her. Her journey puts a spotlight on the darkness and the rage that is an unfortunate side of humanity, and wonât allow you to look the other way.
When all hope has been long lost and rage and evil are common elements in just another day, death becomes something she longs for.
Then, the secret golden key to her truthâ¦.begins to quietly sing to her soul.
When she finally begins to hear it, and allows herself to feel it, it suddenly comes rushing back like liquid heat, warming the coldest and most remote corners of her heart. It rumbles through her and rings to the heavens. It is so powerful it grants her wings to fly and gives voice to her soul.
What happens nextâ¦is where the true journey begins.