www.Talent Pages/ROBERT
Personal details
  • Height: 5' 10",
  • Weight:145 lbs,
  • Eye colour: Blue Green
  • Waist: 32
  • Shoe size: >9
  • Hair colour: Red
  • Hair length: Short
  • Hair type: Short
  • About me
    Northridge, California, United States
    I was born in America...whoa... When I was two, my parents moved with me to Minsk Belarus which sits right next to Russia. We lived there for fourteen years. During my early years growing up I played in Church plays and small skits that my family would put together. As I got older I started getting into filmmaking and acting. I read peoples emotions quite well, so I can use real emotions that I've studied and put it into my performance. Thats what I've developed from living in a foreign country where you don't always understand what comes out of their mouths but you can understand what they say through their face expressions and body motions.
    After fourteen years in Belarus we moved to Lithuania where I got to be in my first major film called Defiance, directed by Edward Zwick. Even though I only got to play as an extra.. still... the whole cast and crew were nice to me and I learned allot from them. After around a year and a half in Lithuania I moved back to America. The experiences Europe has taught me are priceless. I've learned so many accents just because I was around people who actually had them for real. I've been to almost 23 countries... only ruffly 12 accents though: ) Maybe more... Acting is something I will enjoy for as long as I live. I will never really quit learning how to act, as it seems their are billions of characters out there waiting to be created by artists. The actors.

    Dance: Swing Singing: Choral / Choir, Gospel, Operatic, Rock / Pop Sports: Archery, Baseball, Basketball, Skateboard, Snowboarding Voice: Bass, Tenor Musical Instruments: Piano, Violin Language: English Accents: American Southern, Australian, French, German, Greek, Indian (east), Irish, Italian, Russian, Scottish, Standard American, Standard British Additional: Film Stunts, Improvisation, Martial Arts Weapons, Mime, Stage Combat, Voice Characterizations