www.Talent Pages/VANESSA
Personal details
  • Height: 5' 5",
  • Weight:155 lbs,
  • Eye colour: Brown
  • Waist: 29
  • Shoe size: >9
  • Hair colour: Brown
  • Hair length: Past Shoulders
  • Hair type: Medium
  • About me
    portland, Oregon, United States
    Please paste your biography here...
    Monday, January 28, 2008

    This Academy for Alternative Journalism

    In 800 words or less, please tell us how you see the 8-week Academy experiences
    Fitting into your career goals and objectives.

    • I believe than this 8-week Academy experience will fit into my career goals and objectives;
    Because I have always wanted a career in Journalism but precisely in Alternative writing.

    • I was gifted with a writer soul, something in my right side brain who inspires me to write... I started at this age of fifteen years after attending a years
    In an Art School located in the South of France.
    I was taught lots about comtemporan literature, painters and musicians.
    While learning in school we also learn to sing in choral and to prepare short-story
    For small play than we had to present once a week.
    Each theme will change every time from writing your own script on different
    Ideas given to us or choosing a real master piece from this 16th and 18th century.
    The trick was to unfiltered a few poetry and adverb lines in between dialogues.
    I will innovate the characters/Costumes/ideas and main story.
    Giving critics on others theatre pieces was also a main exercise we had to play a role in.

    Whenever we had poetry classes, we had to read, what we wrote out loud
    And listen to all positive and negatives critics feedback given by the teacher and student audience
    Perception of it in their own words...
    Our teacher was also the director, the philosopher and theology teacher.
    This man wasn't the greatest human kind but had a passion for writing than he shared
    With the class and he always knew how to demonstrate amazing analogy
    Of is meaning. However, when rewards and awards were recognize to be honored
    By a student he will greet you off all you efforts in a very honorable way.

    Here is all the shooting star's of my admiration;

    Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867)" Les Flours du Mal ";
    Quote “Everything there is simply order and beauty, luxury, peace and sensual indulgence”
    Victor Hugo ( 1802-1885)
    Quote" And if only one was left, it would be me! "

    Francois de la Rouchfoucauld (1613-1680)
    Quote" Qui vit sans folie n'est pas si sage qu'il croit "

    Moliere / Voltaire / Montesquieu / Jules renard
    Quote " Penser ne suffit pas, il faut penser a quelque chose "

    Since then I wrote;

    Love and Cynical Melancholy Poetry; Sixty pages Proems booklet, one published poetry (Novel)
    Two amateur contest rewards. (Enough time/this inflamed mind)
    Dramatic and monologue short-story.

    Since then I draw;
    And paint about twenty-five of my creation;

    Mostly landscape and perspectives views.
    One called' Coffee' exposed on this Anna-Maria, FL Local newspaper, 2001.
    Two sold to private clients.

    Vanessa G Bush

    Dance: African, Jazz, Swing Singing: R & B / Blues Sports: Badminton, Gymnastic, Handball, Running, Modern, Karate, Squash, Swimming, Sychronized Swimming, Tai Chi, Tennis, Volleyball, Water Polo, Water Skiing, Weight Lifting, Yoga, Ping Pong Voice: Bass, Soprano Musical Instruments: Drums, Flute Language: English, French, French Canadian Additional: Billiards, Film Stunts, Painting, Stilt Walking, Voice Characterizations