www.Talent Pages/HANNAH
Personal details
  • Height: 5' 5",
  • Weight:106 lbs,
  • Eye colour: Hazel
  • Waist: 24
  • Shoe size: >6
  • Hair colour: Brown
  • Hair length: Medium long
  • Hair type: Medium
  • About me
    Cardiff, United Kingdom
    I was born on a frosty October morning in the Heath Hospital, Cardiff. My family had lived in Cardiff for many years, espesiacly my fathers side of the family, who had been residents there for there entire lives. Once I was born, my mother and father took me home to a 3 bedroom house in Thornhill. My adopted brother was anxious of having a younger sister, he was already 3 years old. At this time my sister had not yet been born, but not long after(22 months) she was an unhealthy baby girl spending most nights at the Heath Hospital with either my nan, mother or dad sleeping there with her. My dad is 49 this November and my mum is almost 51! They would not wish me to tell you there age but I think I should! My parents got divorced when I was in my 5th year of Primary School. Later on that year my Grandfather died of old age and autzimers disease. I have very few memories of my Grandfather apart from the fact that we called him Grandad Johny, despite the fact that his first name was Earnist! He was always a comfort to me, being there whenever I needed him. By the time I got to know him a little better, the disease had taken its tole and there was nothing we could do apart from ease the pain with medication. Although it was no surprise when he died considering he had been fighting an already lost battle of his disease, it came as a great shock and one of many to come to lose someone so close.
    Back to my parents. Not long after my brother, sister and I found out our parents were getting divorced, my father moved out and went to live in a rented flat in lisvane, not five minutes down the road from where we were now living. You see, when my parents had my sister, Charlotte we moved to a bigger house in lisvane with better schools to educate us. I first attended Lisvane Primary School with my sister and brother. I made many close friends who I am still close with to this day and took part in annual sports days and school trips. Once in year six, and one of the oldest in the school, I sat my S.A.Ts examinations with my class mates and recived highest marks in all! After that, there was always the year six production to look forward to. I had always been shy and therefore when it came to auditioning for the lead girls role, I was very apprihensive to whether or not I would get the part. Weeks later our class teachers sat the two year six classes down and read out who would be having which parts. I was so happy when I found out I had got the part I wanted, and we started rehursing at once! This is when I realised I wanted to be an actress, no matter how shy I was.

    -Hannah Rachel Williams
    -13 years old
    -23rd October 1993
    -Llanishen High School, Cardiff
    -Hobbies: Singing, acting, creative writing.. (see main profile)
    -Brown eyes
    -Brown hair

    Singing: Musical Theatre Sports: Swimming, Tennis Voice: Mezzo-Soprano Musical Instruments: Drums Language: English