www.Talent Pages/SHELBY
Personal details
  • Height: 5' 1",
  • Weight:86 lbs,
  • Eye colour: Blue Green
  • Hair colour: Dirty blonde
  • Hair length: Medium long
  • Hair type: Long
  • About me
    spring, Texas, United States
    ok well heres we go my names shelby and my dream is to become an actress/singer and yea i was inspired by miley cyrus and i also love to sing and i have might not have acted before but i could prbably be good at it but yea well im also thirteen about to be fourteen and yea i live in texas and want to persue my dreams in california and become an actress on disneychannel and i hope that dream comes true one day soon yea i thin i sing pretty good too i love to laugh and have fun and stuff
    <3shelby danforth well i hope my dreams come true because someone told me to never give up if you want something really bad <3shelby

    Dance: English Singing: Rock / Pop Additional: Modeling