www.Talent Pages/ROSEMARY
Personal details
  • Height: 5' 5",
  • Weight:240 lbs,
  • Eye colour: Brown
  • Shoe size: >10
  • Hair colour: Dark brown
  • Hair length: Medium long
  • Hair type: Conservative
  • About me
    Wichita, Kansas, United States
    Wichita, KS isn't the most exciting place in the world, especially to a young, lower-classed American girl, just living her life from day-to-day, and trying to show the world how her talent can get her far. Who is this girl, some may ask? My name is Rosemary Simpson, and despite my family's lack of money, my siblings and I grew up in the best home that a kid could ask for. We live with both parent's, have a roof over our heads, and have the wisest mother in the world. If you ask me, I was born to be an actress, though I have yet to get the proper training because of limited budgets, but I do have the talent that if takes to become an actress. Every since I was a very little girl, my siblings and I have been using our family as our audience. We have re-written and preformed shows from "The Sound of Music" to "The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet"; and though it has been years, we have also made dance routeens to songs from artists like "Destiny's Child" and "Aaliyah". Basicly, I am trying to say that there are many talented people in Wichita, KS,including my siblings and I, but since we are in the very middle of the US, not very many agents come here looking for the next big thing, but I do know that I am willing to do alot more than I have now to fufill my life-long dream of becoming an Actress before the age of 18! Heck, if Kirsty Allie could do it from this little town, so can I!

    Singing: Rap Sports: Basketball, Bowling, Jump Rope Voice: Baritone, Soprano Musical Instruments: Bass Language: English Accents: French, Jamaican Additional: Celebrity Voice Impressions, Hosting, Improvisation, Newscasting, Speed Talking, Stand-up Comedy, Voice Characterizations