Surprisingly, I can act. A talent that was given to me by the gods of Rome, thus also giving me china's Mandate of Heaven. I get the question "can I act?", or "should I act?" And I say do whatever your heart Desires because the acting buissness is hard. Not just, oh I want to rage quit a game cause I lost, and then walk away. No it's the hard of where you cry because you didn't make the cut. Well listen up! It ain't easy! It ain't no pony ride; in other words. "DOROTHY! For the fifth time, you aren't In Kansas anymore!" She never will understand... Anyways, I am Ryan. I will be blogging on my acting experience so enjoy.(or perish)

Posted at: 01/09/2013 20:00

Tags: acting?, Act, I can act, Wizard of Oz, dorothy, roman gods, Rome, Desires, SNL