Roesitha Syuriadi Blog

please watch my video monologue

Posted at: 03/20/2017 17:03

If Ure seeking asian actress for your feat film project ,?U can inbox me ,Im an actress and singer from Indonesia,Im seeking film gigs in international

Posted at: 01/17/2017 10:06

inbox me if u re seeking asian actress for your film project

hi im an actress from Indonesia and im seeking gigs in US films and Europe Films
my Experience :

1. Lead Role as Actor 2 in film SILENCE , Nomad 92-3 Production
2. Lead Role as Dewi in film BAJU...

Posted at: 12/19/2016 09:47

watch my acting tape

watch my acting tape if u re seeking asian actress u can inbox me thankyou

Posted at: 12/17/2016 14:28