How to Get the Perfect Personality like Raj Singhania.

Do you ever wonder why you're being ignored, or never being asked to do things? It's probably because you haven't worked on your personality.



Evaluate your current personality. Are you outgoing, laid-back, friendly, funny, shy, etc. And whatever category you fit in, how are you liked? Do you like your current personality position? If you want to change from one to another you must think about these things.


Let others be themselves around you. If other people can't be themselves, then neither can you.

Fit the part. Whether that means wearing more black, or popping your collar, you have to feel like that personality before you become it.

In any personality, be kind. Trust me on this one. If your going for that stuck-up preppy, hard-to-get kind of person, stop. Right now. People just think that's shallow, and they will not want to be around you.

Be laid back. Just go with the flow, and don't create a fuss.

Try to get to know a lot of people. People will want to get to know you.

Don't talk about other people behind their back unless you would say it to the person of subject.

Don't try to be cool.

Don't change who you are, just be a more confident person in general, and you will have a ton more friends. it works. REALLY!!!... also people prefer the real you!!!


Honestly, you are how you are for a reason. I wouldn't change it if I were you!



Don't forget time for yourself

Do not become something you're not, whether that means learning to skateboard, cutting off all your hair, or buying a new wardrobe etc.

Don't even bother trying to change your personality if it's not evil or stupid - just go about your life and do that which you feel like doing, not the standard actions of the so-called 'safe' social norm that locks people into a cycle of mental illness and failure. If you're a teenager wanted to be liked more amongst peers, remember that the silly, destructive behaviour that people may inflict upon you will probably fade as these people get older and more mature

Be bold and defy the silly trends that are supposed to be non-conformist and those that are supposed to be conformist - develop your talents, question your beliefs and rise above the lesser beings who attack you for a feeling of security and ego gained from the belief that their 'safe' path is the best, when really they follow it because they are lazy idiots who refuse to make their lives better in the long term. If you're rejected, go about your everyday life without worrying about your reputation and silently sneer at the unpleasant people for failure and suffering - that's what humour is all about, after all!


Things You'll Need

Always smile.

Critical thinking skills - they're handy for life in general.

Listen to what people have to say. (Stay clear from negative thoughts and words)


Posted at: 08/08/2013 22:56