How to Become the Best Actor Like Raj Singhania, You Can Be!!

How to Become the Best Actor Like Raj Singhania, You Can Be!!

To become the best actor that you can be, you first have to believe in yourself. Talent, hard work and persistence are also critical.


See Your Name in Lights

1. Believing in yourself is the key. The mind is a powerful thing. You have to stay positive. If you think that you are not going to make it, then you probably will not make it. If you do think you are going to make it, then you just might. If you want anybody to believe in you then you have to believe in yourself first.

2. Hone your talent. Find what you do best and what kind of roles are your strong suit.

3. Work hard. Just because acting is really fun does not mean you do not have to work hard. Study your lines; know them backwards and forwards. Find a partner to study with you. Take acting classes. Even your high school or community college classes will help a great deal. Meeting a lot of other like-minded people will also enhance your career. Look for auditions everyday. Acting is a never-ending search for jobs.

4. Be strong, do not give up! You never know when you will get your big break. Sometimes it takes 100 "no’s" to get one "yes." That one "yes" could make your acting career. Remember that rejection happens to everybody; you are not alone. To be a great actor you have to be persistent.

*****Tips & Warnings*****

Get a good headshot.

Be nice to everybody, as you never know to who you might be talking.

Watch out for scams in audition ads. Make sure the ad lists a phone number, address, and the name of the company.

Do not wear red, black or white to a film audition, unless it is specified for the role.

~~~~ Fire Works By Raj Singhania ~~~~

Posted at: 08/18/2013 11:44