Posted by: Fashion Prince Raj Singhania in Models on Mar 02, 2013

I think now is a good time to let all you men in on a little secret. Becoming a male model is nowhere near as difficult as it seems. In fact, in an industry known for being competitive, the road to male model stardom is surprisingly within reach.

Years ago that used to make me angry. As a young woman who worked in various model agencies in New York, I saw female models face pressures and restrictions that just didn’t exist for men. Now that I’m a little older, I admit to having mellowed somewhat. Although the fact remains, men still have it easy.

(I forgive you for not having to worry about “that time” of the month. I forgive you for not having to worry about losing your figures after childbirth. I forgive you for ageing so gracefully… I think I’d better stop myself right there.)

Ahem, back to the topic at hand. The reason you guys have it easy boils down to the fact that a man can be a model at almost any age. Women, on the other hand, have to contend with a high degree of prejudice. Generally, a woman must be aged between 13 and 21 to get a break. A male model can get their break much later in life, aged anywhere between 18 and 37. There are even male models that cater to the gentleman’s market (a market which provides men with modelling work well into their forties and fifties . . .

What does it take to be a model?

Don’t be fooled into thinking that all men have what it takes. If you’re shorter than 5”10 and taller than 6”2 finding regular fashion work can be quite difficult (although there are definite exceptions to this rule). If you happen to be a short/tall man, please don’t think I’m trying to discourage you. If you’re on the short or tall side, it would still be relatively easy for you to find work as a fitness model.

Obviously, if you’re overweight and out of shape you’re up against it. Male models need great skin and great hair, even grey hair is okay as it can help you look distinguished – think George Clooney. (Notice my complete lack of jealousy :) Finally, you will need to remove your body hair; this is now standard practice throughout the industry. No Alec Baldwin/Tom Selleck chest rugs… please.

So, if you’re the right height, have great skin and hair, and you’re in great shape, you’ve got what it takes to move onto the next step.

Attitude is everything (no Naomi Campbell prima-donnas please!)

At this point you’ll need to adopt a positive proactive attitude. It’s a fact of life that all models start at the bottom and work their way up. How fast you move up the ranks depends on you. If you want to make your living as a model, you’ll need to join a model agency.

Now you might have heard some stories about models (like Robert Holbrook and Sean O’Pry) who were spotted by an agent or talent scout and were signed to an agency straight away. The odds of this happening, however, are slim. Instead, you need to join a model agency that can connect you with an agent.

A good agent will let you know about open calls and auditions. For their part in the process, an agent will take a fee: usually between 10% and 33% (it’s a lot, yes, but standard practice throughout the industry). And remember, do not, under any circumstances, pay an agent to represent you! The internet is full of scams that try to charge aspiring models a fee in exchange for representation. Your agent should only get paid when you get paid.


So what’s the best way to get signed? One way to get signed is to attend an open call. This is where a model agency opens its doors and allows anyone to come into the office and audition. You will most likely have to wait with a bunch of other people until you’re called into a room for inspection. During this time, the people at the agency will assess your potential and either dismiss you there and then or ask you to stick around.

Enter a Modelling Competition

If you enter a modelling competition and win, you will most likely get signed by a model agency. In fact, you can almost count on it. To enter a modelling competition you will need to have a set of pictures and you will also need to check the conditions of entry for any specific requirements.

(English model David Gandy – the guy from the Dolce Gabbana ads – got his break this way. Gandy didn’t even enter the competition himself, his friends entered his picture into the competition and Gandy was immediately signed by Select in London.)

Go to Model Conventions

Another way great way to get signed is to attend a modelling convention. Conventions are a great way to get exposure because they offer you the chance to meet other professional models and modelling agencies. Conventions can be quite expensive (around $200 - $4000), so if you attend you one of these events you will need to hone your networking skills and make the most of this opportunity.

DIY Modelling

My favorite method of all. For every self-made man who wants to pick himself up by his bootstraps and do it himself. This method is all about contacting the model agencies yourself. Blaine Cooke, who is now one of the world’s top male models, launched his career using the DIY approach. Blaine searched the internet for model agencies and got a list of email addresses. One of the agencies, Major Management, received Blaine’s pictures via email and the agency was so impressed that they signed him straight away.

If you want to follow in Blaine’s footsteps, the first thing you have to do is construct your portfolio. Your portfolio should include some close-up pictures and some full body shots of you looking your best. Keep in mind that you should have your pictures taken in both color and black & white. Once you’ve had your pictures taken, you will need to email these pictures to model agencies around the country.

The best way to get in touch a model agency is to use email. To find email addresses, you will need to search the names of various model agencies on the internet. Another great way to get this information is to search for other male models and find out which model agencies represent them. Alternatively, Talent Mailer can email your portfolio to over 150 model agencies (this includes all major model agencies in the US and UK).

Move to the City

As a final piece of advice, I would recommend moving to one of the big cities (like New York, Los Angeles or London). Most model agencies are based in the big cities, so it makes sense to relocate for the sake of auditions and open calls. Trust me, your life will be easier if you do this.

Be Professional

If you want to become a model and you’re committed to this goal, it’s important to be professional. This means you should take good care of your appearance, be on time, and treat your colleagues with respect. In an industry full of ego, being professional can put you head and shoulders above the competition.

 ~~~ Fire Works By Prince Raj Singhania ~~

     ~~~ Best in The World ~~~

Posted at: 08/07/2013 18:42